March Hare

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Spends so much time with Dormouse that his conversation always includes the other. They are a pair, and their voices should play off one another.

The Hare is “mad” of course; hence his character. But he’s not a lunatic. Just unnaturally fixated on his creature comforts and keeping the Hatter down.


Alice: Asylum


Alice LiddellCheshire CatWhite RabbitCaterpillarMad HatterMarch HareDormouseMock TurtleWalrusCarpenterWhite KingRed QueenJabberwocky


Classic dressDenial dressAsh DressFire dressBlackening dressChaos dressPleading DressBargaining DressRed DressConfidence DressHospital DressAsylum DressHarvest DressCircus DressMercury DressKing of Planets


Vorpal Blade of ChaosJack In The Box BombStuffed FlamingoDiceToad TopSpring ChickIce Shaver