Hiring – Three for Art
Alice in the Swimming Pond Spicy Horse internal headcount broke the 50 mark a few weeks back. As we approach 60 we’re looking for three very special people to fill three very special roles at the studio. These openings are at our Shanghai-based studio – so being hired means living/working in China. Read on if…
EA Partners Interview
“David DeMartini On Biz, Alice, More”, a mention of the new Alice in there: Read on Gamasutra
Spicy Leads the Way
This article on Microsoft.com mentions Spicy Horse as a studio “leading the way” in Episodic Games. Cool! Read it here.
American in China
The Spicy Horse Logo Brian Ashcroft from Kotaku has presented a really great interview with me and a few others from Spicy Horse. It details the history of my move to China, the formation of Spicy Horse, and our vision of the future of games in China. From the article, It was 2007, and China…