You Can’t Escape
A recent Reddit post of mine ignited a firestorm of press coverage from the game media. It attracted a few pissed messages from EA. Some readers have even suggested this has killed any possibility of my ever being employed by a game publisher again.
Akaneiro Kickstarter Campaign
Just launched a Kickstarter Campaign for Akaneiro.
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters – Trailer News Links
Ever feel you can’t get enough news about Akaneiro? Well, here’s a massive list of news generated by yesterday’s gameplay trailer release. Enough news to drown a wolf… 3DJuegos (Spanish) http://www.3djuegos.com/noticia/127970/0/akaneiro-demon-hunters/american-mcgee/ Anait Games (Spanish) http://www.anaitgames.com/noticias/american-mcgee-akaneiro AndroidWorld (Italian) http://www.androidworld.it/2012/04/11/akaneiro-demon-hunters-un-hacknslash-in-arrivo-per-android-sanera-il-senso-di-vuoto-lasciato-da-dungeon-hunter-iii-82600/ AnjelSyndicate http://www.anjelsyndicate.org/2012/09/11/quickie-akaneiro-demon-hunters-first-gameplay-video-and-beta-signups-begin/ Atomix (Spanish) http://atomix.vg/2012/04/10/aparecen-nuevos-datos-de-akaneiro-demon-hunters-el-nuevo-titulo-de-american-mcgee/ AusGamers http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3241250/american-mcgees-akaneiro-demon-hunters-video-shows-diablo-esque-gameplay-stunning-art Betasjournal (French) http://www.betasjournal.com/news/akaneiro-demon-hunters-annonce-inscriptions-a-la-beta/ Blue’s News http://www.bluesnews.com/s/135111/akaneiro-demon-hunters-video-beta-signups Dailymotion (video) Digital Spy…
BigHead Bash comes to Facebook
Now you guys can play BigHead BASH on Facebook, our own gaming portal, SpicyWorld and on Kongregate. Not only can you play from wherever you like, but you’ll be playing against ALL the players from ALL those platforms ALL at the same time! Cool, huh?
BigHead BASH Head-Hunter Contest is Here
Today we are announcing a new contest:”The BigHead BASH Head-Hunter Contest”. The goal of this contest is quite simple: over the course of a week starting today, 27th July till 2nd August UTC 8PM, kill as many different players as possible to increase your ‘unique kill’ count.
Crazy Fairies is Crazy Good
The latest online game from Spicy Horse, Crazy Fairies, is topping the charts in just a few days since its launch. And since launch the game has been playable (cross-platform!) on Spicy’s own game portal SpicyWorld, Kongregate and facebook.