Category: Projects

  • Grimm in USA Today

    I’m heading back to Shanghai from San Francisco. Sitting at Narita, waiting for my connecting flight – I saw that Grimm was mentioned in USA Today:  If you think Shrek wreaked havoc on the Disneyized version of classic fairy tales, wait till you see American McGee’s Grimm. The former id Software designer and programmer (Doom,Quake) re-envisioned the Alice in Wonderland story in his…

  • Grimm Trailer Release

    Gamespot and Kotaku are running news of the release of the Grimm trailer. Gametap has also updated the Grimm site with new content – the trailer and some screenshots. Check it out the Gametap Grimm homepage here. To celebrate the occasion, a duck with a broken neck.     Btw, Kotaku crowd: American McGee loves you too. 

  • San Fran-Pirates!

    In San Francisco this week for the Game Developer’s Conference. The trip from China was uneventful. It’s been a year since my last visit to the US. I’m struck once again by how *bright* the world is. It’s as if someone has removed a filter from the sun. I remember that sunglasses aren’t just a…

  • Chinese New Year Update

    My flickr-wordpress plugin was dead for a few days, so I was having trouble adding new Grimm images to the site. This morning I sorted things out, and am back on track. Btw, if you’re getting “API expired, error code #100” when trying to use flickr-post, I suggest just upgrading to the latest “Flickr Photo…

  • Alice Movie Update?

    Over on SciFi Wire there’s a blurb about the Alice movie: Gellar Passionate About Alice Sarah Michelle Gellar told SCI FI Wire that she’s still passionate about developing Alice, a movie based on the computer game American McGee’s Alice, to which she owns the film rights. The game is based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures…

  • Hell Hound

    Today’s image is a Hell Hound. A flaming good example of something cute and cuddly becoming evil and scary when influenced by Grimm’s dark power. I particularly like NPCs that vomit various elements – flame, puke, blood, etc. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, we create a lot of concept artwork. There are a total…