Category: Projects

  • Three Interviews And A Lion

    Interviews galore this morning! First there’s one over at NextGen where I talk about Grimm, episodic gaming, and the future of Spicy Horse: “My hope is that we can maintain a diverse development plan and ability–creating more episodic content, traditional console titles, and games specific to the Asian market,” said McGee. “Episodic content, or whatever…

  • Grimm Key Image

    I’ve posted a clean version of the image that inspired the Grimm billboard on my flickr account.

  • Grimm Revealed

    Static_Eddie once again sends us images of Grimm in the wild. This time the billboard reveals Grimm’s appearance. Now that I think about it… I don’t think anyone’s ever seen what Grimm actually looks like. Could it be a clever marketing strategy that kept his identity a secret? Perhaps. But now… a secret NO MORE.…

  • Grimm Outdoors

    Flickr friend Static Eddie kindly sent along this photo of a Grimm outdoor billboard. This was spotted in Atlanta, near the Gametap offices. Nice to see Grimm getting some spotlight in the “real world”.

  • Bone Boy

    The general rule for showing Grimm concept artwork to the world is to show images only when there’s a light/dark version side-by-side. But with this image I’m willing to make an exception: This is “Bone Boy”. He appears in a number of Grimm episodes, usually as the darkened state for child NPCs. He’s one of…

  • Polish McGee Interview

    If you’ve ever wanted to read an interview with me in Polish, here’s your chance: American McGee’s Grimm – wywiad Poprawne politycznie bajki muszÄ… odejść! American McGee w ekskluzywnym wywiadzie przedstawia nam Grimm, nadchodzÄ…cÄ… grÄ™ epizodycznÄ… studia Spicy Horse. Znany projektant zamierza zachÄ™cić graczy do przeksztaÅ‚cania podczas zabawy Å‚agodnych opowieÅ›ci w przerażajÄ…ce koszmary. Andrzej “Klecha”…