Category: Projects

  • Grimm Episode 12 – “Cinderella”

    Grimm’s back! This week he’s adding his dark touch to the uber-classic “Cinderella”. This was actually one of the first episodes we built for Grimm – but because it was so early, it turned out really rough. So we completely scrapped the original design, rebuilt the entire thing, and pushed the release date to NOW.

  • Grimm on Direct2Drive

    If you’ve been looking for an alternative method of downloading episodes of Grimm, your options just increased! Announcing Grimm on Direct2Drive.

  • Grimm Episode 11 – King Midas

    This week brings us one of my favorite Episodes from Grimm – “King Midas”. In this tale Grimm visits a classic Greek myth and the world it inhabits. We meet Gods, Kings, and Fools. And best of all – Grimm’s dark power takes on a special “shine”.

  • Grimm Episode 10 “The Singing Bone”

    Another week, another Grimm episode released. This week it’s Episode 10 – “The Singing Bone”. As usual, you can check out this grim and fun romp through another famous fairy tale for FREE on GameTap at

  • Grimm Halloween

    Grimm loves Halloween! And who can blame him? Vampires, zombies, werewolves, and witches are as wickedly grim as Grimm himself. And what better time of year to celebrate Grimm and his uhh grimness than Halloween?!

  • Traffic Bump

    Last week we tried something new in pitching a game concept in a public forum, via my blog. The motivation was simple: Reach as many potential publishers and end-users as possible without having to leave my office in Shanghai. I wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of reaction, but I have to say any…