Category: Projects

  • The Grimm End is Near

    The Grimm End is Near Well folks, after 2 amazing years of innovative and exciting development, Grimm production is wrapping up. To celebrate, we’ll be hosting a Grimm “wrap party” at Spicy Horse, this Friday the 13th of March (appropriate, no?). If you happen to be in the neighborhood, stop by to enjoy pizza, drinks,…

  • Official AP Story/Interview

    If you want a little more info about the Alice sequel, read the AP story by Derrik Lang over on Yahoo! News.

  • The Return of Alice

    Waking up in Shanghai this morning I’m greeted with a flood of emails, facebook messages, and phone calls. The world now knows what we here at Spicy Horse have known for some time: We’re making a sequel to “American McGee’s Alice” with Electronic Arts (EAP to be exact).

  • Grimm Episode 17: Frog Prince

    Grimm’s Back! And this time he’s brought along a bucket-full of slimy friends. Episode 17 visits “The Frog Prince”, and kicks off the final season of 8. We’re heading towards the finish line… hard to believe we’ve made it this far.

  • Grimm Postmortem

    Gamasutra is featuring a lengthy postmortem of “Grimm”. The article was primarily written by Grimm’s producer Wim Coveliers with contributions by all of the Spicy Horse team. It does a good job in detailing the high-level things that went right and wrong during the production of Grimm.

  • Episodic Development with UE3

    Develop Magazine is running an article highlighting the episodic development of Grimm using the Unreal Engine 3 technology.