Category: Projects

  • An Argument for Ugly Characters

    Marketing tells us we need objects in order to be better people, feel better about ourselves, and impress our peers. If not for marketing, every person in the world might exist on the same basic set of durable goods. Marketing tells us we aren’t enough, that more is needed to be “complete”. As such, purchasing…

  • “Crooked House” Review @ iPhone Life

    Nate Adcock over at iPhone Life Magazine was kind enough to post a review of “American McGee’s Crooked House”. Though admittedly not a typical fan of puzzle game apps, Nate finds some compelling elements to our wicked little app anyway.

  • 148apps Reviews Crooked House

    Spicy Pony’s latest iPhone game “Crooked House” has, since launch, received praise and attention beyond expectation – but the just-posted review over at cements for me the success of the concept with gamers and critics alike.

  • “Crooked House” Review @ Techland

    Peter Ha over at Techland has posted a mini-review of “American McGee’s Crooked House” inside a feature on “Top 10 Hottest iPhone Games Right Meow”.

  • Crooked House Review

    Matt over at no dpad has posted a review of Spicy Pony’s latest iPhone release “American McGee’s Crooked House”. He’s got a lot of good stuff to say about our devious little puzzle game.

  • Crooked House iPhone Game

    Spicy Pony is proud to announce the release of their second game app for iPhone: American McGee’s Crooked House. It’s a puzzle game so devious it’ll make you squeak with fright. Based on one of the best loved nursery rhymes of all time, “There Was a Crooked Man”