Category: Patreon

  • The Fashion Alchemist

    Dear Insane Children,  Please join me in saying “Hello!” to all the new inmates arriving in our asylum. Here’s hoping we make July the month to break 2000 Patrons and unlock the Chaos Coin Goal!  Lots of great progress being made on Alice: Asylum these days. I’ve got in hand the mailing address where we’ll…

  • The Chaos Coin Challenge

    Welcome Inmate, You chose wisely. Now equip yourself for what lies ahead… The Chaos Coin is a physical coin which grants the owner a small token of Chaos and a virtual coin in Alice: Asylum. Within the virtual coin you can embed a name and phrase of your choosing*. Carry this into battle as a…

  • House on Fire

    Dear Insane Children, WHEW! It’s been a hectic couple of weeks! Ten days in Texas, a week of packing, moving house, a week of unpacking… the unpacking continues… but finally getting caught up and settled down.  I REALLY appreciate your patience and support during this phase. With your encouragement this move puts me in a…

  • How to contact us !!

    Hi Everyone. Martin here again with a friendly neighbourhood community announcement. If you want to contact us and ask us something to do with your account or items or shipping or any other kind of questions specific to your situation, please just message us directly. DO NOT post your customer service issues for all to…

  • PATCHES, PPT, (un)-Packing

    Dear Insane Children,  To SKIP straight to the PATCH UPDATE please SCROLL DOWN. I am writing to you from the new underground lair out in the QingPu District of Shanghai. We spent all of last week packing and prepping to move – and then 7 hours on Saturday loading/moving/unloading two big trucks. It’s amazing how…

  • Death, Taxes, and Moving

    It’s been said there are few things in life more stress inducing than death, taxes, and moving. So the stress I’m feeling lately makes sense. Last week I was in Texas to visit with family – several of whom are suffering illness and old age. The time there prompted discussion and thought on the fleeting…