Category: Patreon

  • Live Stream Time!

    Dear Insane Children,  IT’S BACK! We’re going to do a LIVE STREAM! YAyayayayyaya! It’s been forever! Shanghai went into a Covid lockdown for 2 months. And then we’ve done a wait-and-see for a few weeks to make sure another lockdown doesn’t hit us… but it’s looking good.  We’re living in a New Normal where our…

  • Mid-Year Design Bible Update – It’s All In The Execution

    Hi everyone, Alex here (Lead Designer, Co-Writer, + misc.) with a big mid-year update on the Alice: Asylum Pre-Production Project. Important; this post includes a new Design Bible PDF WIP download. Patreon displays PDF attachments in small, underlined text at the VERY end of the posts, so scroll all the way down and click that…

  • Closing Scene Illustrations

    Dear Insane Children,  Without revealing too much of the actual story (spoilers), I thought to share some of the illustrations by Omri from the ending scenes of the game. Here’s the art request outline for this section:  45.2) Alice locates Angela / Narrative Closing Scenes – Page 165-166 (v2.1) Art Briefing and Output:? (Render at…

  • Out With The Old, In With The New!

    To view this content, you must be a member of American’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • Some Cake (no spoilers)

    Dear Insane Children,  For those of you who didn’t want to click on the previous post (because spoilers) but felt left out because you didn’t get to see some awesome art…  I got you covered! Here’s a new illustration from Joey of a Giant Alice with CAKE in hand…  Joey says: Alice holding a piece…

  • Vengeance is Awesome (amazing art but spoilers, sorry)

    Dear Insane Children, I don’t know if you know this (I think many of you do) but the Alice series is extremely cathartic for me. Because, as a child, I was abused in many ways – psychological, physical, and sexual. And by a wide variety of people – family members, caretakers, and strangers. (trigger warning…