How Many Hands is That Horse, Man?
Dear Insane Children, Continued evolution on the Bumby as Shopkeeper concept images. Above you’ll see Omri’s reworking based on our comments. This is “spider hole” Bumby + Mechanical Hands. In this version we’d hear but not see Bumby. And his hands would handle all the interactions in the shop and with Alice. Another idea is…
Further Thoughts on The Dollmaker
Dear Insane Children, As many of you are aware we’re trying to define the look and function of Bumby’s character in Asylum. This is a tricky task because many of us are uneasy with the idea of interacting with the Ultimate Bad Guy from AMR. The basic idea we’re working with is that there’s a…
Mysterious Makeup & Livestreams
Dear Insane Children, We had an excellent Livestream over on YouTube yesterday in which we reviewed a TON of artwork, gave away a bunch of Cheshire Kittens, and covered a lot of other topics – Asylum story, Bumby as a shopkeeper, and more! Hit THIS LINK to check it out. One of the topics we’ve…
Cheshire Shipping Info!
Hi there Font Lord here with a quick update about shipping. Now the Chesh sets are getting sent out, and people have started getting their tracking IDs mailed to them, we have had some reports that the auto-email Backerkit is sending out for confirmation is still making reference to the Rabbit Plush, and possible old…
Here Comes The Sun
Dear Insane Children, We’re BACK after a week of R&R. Seems my throat really needed that. All better now! Pain is gone! And I guess we now know that I shouldn’t eat tons of spicy food during the day and citrus fruit right before I go to bed. Hur dur. Lesson learned! And while it’s…
What The Future Holds
Dear Insane Children, I’m back after a wonderful period of time spent with Lucky (??)! He’s a good little boy who spends most of his time sleeping. And when he’s awake his main focus is drinking milk… followed by explosive bowel movements and a bit of hiccupping. Here he is in the preferable mode of…