Category: Patreon

  • The Alchemist

    Dear Insane Children,  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in a place where that makes sense! And to those in the other places, we can still give thanks! I give thanks (HUGE THANKS) to you, our Insane Children, for making all this possible. Not just the art, story, and design work we’re doing – but the community,…

  • Sketches and Annotations

    Dear Insane Children,  I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about PTSD and Transformation. And much of this thinking – as with much of my creative output in recent years – draws on a personal encounter with Chaos I experienced a few years back. I won’t go into detail other than to say these events…

  • Bargaining Position

    Dear Insane Children,  Happy Off With Turkey Head Week! How’s everyone doing? Lots of people traveling home for the holidays? Looks like a “weather bomb” about to hit the USA. Everyone stay safe out there. Here in China, we’re planning a small family dinner – and, yes, we have turkey! – which will be Lucky’s…

  • The Results Are Pin

    Dear Insane Children Font Lord here again with the results of both the Patreon and Public surveys about what pins are most desirable.Honestly, I felt a little silly making 2 pics about this due to how similar they are, but hey ho, here we go… The approval rating written next to each one shown as…

  • Very Pintresting !!

    Dear Insane Children   Font Lord here, taking some time from walking the grounds of Font Manor to give you all a little update on the current results of the enamel pin survey.   From almost 400 votes cast in total, we have…By a country mile, option D is the most unpopular.  Seriously, we had…

  • Ten Little Pindians (Enamel Pin Selection)

    Dear Insane Children,  We have TEN PINS designed by Jen to choose from.  We need FOUR for the Main Set. And we need ONE for the Patreon Exclusive.  And then there were nine. We need to kill off a couple of pindians!   To help with the selection process I’ve created a survey where you…