Category: Patreon

  • The Lucky 5 (February)

    Dear Insane Children Phew… almost forgot to do this with all that’s been going on. As you might know, each month we’re going to use a random number generator and pick 5 patrons to send some goodies out to. Wheeee !!! This month, The Lucky 5 will each be getting an Omega Necklace, but please…

  • Update from Shanghai

    Dear Insane Children Font Lord here. How you all doing? Just a quick message to let you all know that although the Coronavirus is messing some things up, such as keeping American trapped in Thailand and also having the shipping/warehouse companies over here shut down, that everything else is proceeding as normal from my end.…

  • Quarantine

    Dear Insane Children,  First off massive apologies for the delay since the last update. Things around here have been rather hectic as I’ve tried to sort out plans and strategies for how we might deal with this coronavirus outbreak both with regards to my family and our various projects. After much consultation with family, friends…

  • Rats! Bats! Viruses! And Pirates! Oh MY!

    Dear Insane Children,  Seems Dormouse is really sticking it to us for the Year of The Rat! Lots of my friends, family, Pirates, and Insane Children writing to ask for updates on the situation in China. As many of you are aware, there’s an outbreak of Coronavirus which originated in Wuhan and is spreading to…

  • Eeking into Year of the Rat

    Dear Insane Children,  HELLO! Long-time no see! I’ve been away from a proper internet connection for a while now. Kinda lost track of time as we sailed between various islands here in Thailand. We’ve been blessed with calm seas, nice winds, and beautiful blue skies. Certainly a better situation than what’s going on back in…

  • The Dodo Has Landed

    Dear Insane Children,  Ahoy from Shanghai! Captain American back on land after a week of travel, sailing, and location scouting in Thailand. LOTS to catch up on! And I missed you all so much!  Oh… I did try on a couple of occasions to write an update from Thailand but was thwarted by unstable and…