What’s Wrong With Your Toy?
Dear Insane Children, While we’re working on a couple of possibilities for physical merch – calendars, snow globes, etc – I thought we should think about a couple of additional Plush Toys. Why? Because they’re relatively easy to produce, everyone seems to love them, and … I like making eff’ed up toys? So I first…
That Which You Resist Will Only Persist
Dear Insane Children, We’re starting work on a new area in the game, The Realm of The Chess Pieces. To provide some direction to the Art Team, I wrote the following… The Realm of the Chess Pieces is made up of two sides (can be black/white or white/red… take your pick. I like black/white because…
The Lucky 5 (July)
Dear Insane Children Font Lord here with that time of the month you’re all waiting for 😉Yes! Who will lady luck smile upon today, as Google’s RNG feature picks 5 people from Patreon (and YouTube comments to keep us legal) to win the signed print “Tragedy”. Could it be you? Or how about you? Maybe…
Tentacles Are a Thing’s Best Friend
Dear Insane Children, Have I told you lately how much I love Tentacles? It should come as little surprise that when I opened the latest Tentacle Chaos Monster concept image from Omri – I laughed out loud and was smiling ear to ear. Seriously. I LOVE this concept. And I tweeted that we need to…
Dear Insane Children Just writing another update about next month’s print due to a little mess up I did from yesterday. I wrote that Dressed in Rage was next month’s print due to a little confusion, and even though I figured it out and took the post down within a few minutes, this does…
Further Manipulation
Dear Insane Children, As you know from my last design post, we’re working on concepts for a selection of Enemies who are designed to manipulate Alice’s senses – Manipulators. In the last round of comments, I asked Omri to explore ideas around insect/machines that would fit in these roles. He’s delivered! Here are our comments…