Category: Patreon

  • The Patchwork Girl of Oz

    Dear Insane Children,  Well… here we go again… maybe?  We’ve been throwing around a couple of ideas to form the foundation for new exploration inside the world of The Books of Oz (14 full-length Oz books written by L. Frank Baum).  Jen turned in this sketch (main image, above) of a Dorothy (-type) character. I…

  • Non-Live Live Stream for July 30th, 2020

    Dear Insane Children,  In case you missed the live stream *live* on Twitch yesterday I’ve uploaded it over on my YouTube Channel. And you should be able to watch it in the window on top of this post. Yay for technology.  We played through Omri (and team)’s HD update to “American McGee’s Alice,” talked about…

  • Wonderland HD

    Dear Insane Children,  Three bits of interesting news to share with you this morning.  First, Joey’s finished her “Small House” illustration. Included in the final version are a bunch of changes in response to the notes that YOU provided here on Patreon. And I think the result is fantastic!  Have a look at the “Small…

  • Rage and Trust

    Dear Insane Children Font Lord here with a couple of items for you. Firstly, I just wanted to mention the next print (for Patrons charged in August).This time it really is How Fine You Look When Dressed In Rage. By Omri Koresh.So if you like the look of this print, please make sure you’re at…

  • Depression Ahead But It’s Still Progress

    Dear Insane Children,  We’re back from our road trip to Yan’s hometown. All the extended family got together to play with Lucky, eat yummy local food, and spend time together. It was a nice break from the daily bustle of life in Shanghai. Here’s Lucky with his Great-Grandfather.  While we were away the team continued…

  • Lucky Road Trip

    Dear Insane Children,  Just a quick note to let everyone know that our family will be away from Shanghai for most of the week. We need to take Lucky to Yan’s hometown to register him as a person – for the Chinese equivalent of a social security number.  During this time, the team will continue…