Category: Patreon

  • $75 Tier Bunneh Questions

    Hi everyone Font Lord here with a little FAQ type post for you all based on some questions you had in the previous post about the upcoming super awesome bunny+print promotion month. So, without further ado, here we go… 1) You need to be at the $75 tier BEFORE October 1st, otherwise you’ll miss out…

  • Lost OzLand – Story Draft – Concept 1, ver 0.2

    Dear Insane Children,  As I’ve outlined previously… we have a dedicated Business Development person on the team now. He’s tasked with helping us take the Alice: Asylum pitch to a variety of investors and publishers. He’s asked that we also provide one or two more pitches for the discussions as this helps to increase the…

  • Grr Bunnies, Pale Realms, and Alice Updates

    Dear Insane Children,  Another busy week full of progress on many fronts. These non-livestream weeks are nice for me because it’s a chance to keep my head down and focus on everything we have going on. It’s easier to talk through all this stuff on a livestream though… so I’ll post a bit of stuff…

  • Alice Model Update

    Dear Insane Children,  Last night, Roman sent over an updated Alice model. And this morning, I’ve uploaded a video of it to YouTube. Yay! Click on THIS LINK to head over and check out the latest turn-around of the 3D model.  One thing I feel a little uncertain about… whether or not Roman’s made any…

  • Raising The Stakes (SPOILERS) An Opening Scene

    Dear Insane Children,  During our most recent Live Stream on YouTube (LINK) I talked about ?the need to create meaningful stakes for Alice in this new adventure. The problem being that Alice can “die” repeatedly in Wonderland and it means nothing for Real-World Alice. Compare that to stories like “The Matrix” where, “if you’re killed…

  • American Wearpigs in Wonderland

    Dear Insane Children,  We had a lively livestream over on Twitch yesterday where we discussed Alice: Asylum, played Alice: Madness Returns, had a look at Plushie Dreadful prototypes, and checked out new character concepts for Dorothy.  And we didn’t even get canceled! If you missed it (boo!) you can see the recorded backup over on…