Category: Patreon

  • Crowd Design – Narrative – Oz Adventures

    Dear Insane Children,  For those of you interested in Narrative Crowd Design, here’s a little teaser… which I hope to use to test out how this process works prior to sharing the Alice: Asylum narrative outline. I mentioned in a previous post that I want to share the Asylum outline with some holes in the…

  • Collective Insanity

    To view this content, you must be a member of American’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • Crowd Design – Creepy Cat

    Dear Insane Children,  Yan is working with Jen on a new Plushie Dreadful design – Scruffy Bumps! A prototype based on initial sketches by Jen arrived a few days ago: There are several issues with the first pass which include:  1) He’s too plump (round and fat). We want Slender Man-style creepy. 2) He’s too…

  • Not Dead – Dead Busy

    Dear Insane Children,  Just a quick note to say that I am not dead. But I am dead busy.  If you’re waiting on Art Prints (in the mail) then I’m the reason… As I’ve been playing catch-up on getting everything sent out. Today, I finally cleared out the last of the previous month’s art prints…

  • The Coin ‘o 2021

    Dear Insane Children, Font Lord here.How are you?I hope you’re all doing well   🙂   I have a little bit of info for you and also some questions. We are thinking about making a commemorative coin for the start of the new year.A sort of ‘good riddance’ to 2020 and ‘good luck’ to 2021 kind…

  • Adventures in Biz Dev

    Dear Insane Children,  Biz Dev is one of the constant processes that happen in the background on an almost daily basis – emails, phone calls, quick messages, strategy chats, spreadsheet building, document editing… that isn’t very interesting to record, share, or talk about. But it is critical to our success – because all the amazing…