Category: Patreon

  • Live Stream – From Twitch to YouTube

    Dear Insane Children,  Did you miss the live stream over on Twitch today?  No worries… we uploaded it over on YouTube:  Yay! From Shanghai with Tentacles,  -American

  • All hail the Hysteria Rabbit

    Dear Insane Children,  Font Lord here AGAIN. Just wanted to run this past you.We’re thinking we want to change the $75 tier next year.Starting from February (we think) we will be replacing the Chaos Necklace in the $75 tier to a Hysteria Rabbit plushie. What do you think?  Good idea? Bad Idea? So to be…

  • Patreon Online Event – Starting Soon

    Dear Insane Children,  I’m joining @patreon‘s “The Lab – Community Connections” to discuss how we make Patreon work for our projects. Joined by @JoshBusuito @AdventureBeard Starting at 3PM PST -American

  • Decision Coin “Final” Design

    Dear Insane Children,  Alex sent the “final” version of the Decision Coin to me this morning…  Looking awesome! We’re sending this to the workshop for a sample. Should have something to share with you in a week or two.  Once we have the first sample we can do another round of Crowd Design for any…

  • The Fresh Prints of Shanghai

    Dear Insane Children,  Font Lord here with a teeny tiny bit of info about the current crop of prints and what it means for you   🙂 At the very top of this post, you can see “Londerland” by Omri Koresh.A very popular image that was requested by many of you to be one of our…

  • Coin Design – Beautiful Detail (and Crowd Design)

    Dear Insane Children,  Alex is an artist of many talents – for example, he’s a wizard with AI design layouts, a meticulous project manager, and an expert on the fine details of commercial printing. Each of these things requires attention to detail at a very high level – and the features of his detail-oriented brain…