Choose the Moon!
Dear Insane Children, Font Lord here with a quick question for you about next month’s print. The image above was selected in a previous poll as a popular choice. However we have a modified contender to think about too… What do you think about this big faced edit? In your humble opinion, which moon image…
Crazy Croquet
Dear Insane Children, Joey’s delivered an excellent illustration depicting Alice engaged in a battle-for-life game of Croquet Forever. As described in the scene text for this game, it doesn’t really matter if you win or lose, live or die, because this game just goes on forever and ever. Forever and ever… kinda what it feels…
Three Demonic Pigs
Dear Insane Children, I’ve just finished a review and feedback session on all the art and design content that was delivered during “The Time of The Move” and… Wow! Of this illustration by Norm, Omri says… i think we ought to add some weapons and i’m thinking like babies holding weapons, perhaps crawling or on…
The Lucky 5 (Jan21 & Feb21)
Dear Insane Children, Font Lord here with your first “Lucky 5” of the year. And again, due to busy stuff and office moves and all that, it’s a double month since I didn’t do January.Sorry 😛 You know the drill by now, using Google’s RNG, 10 people from Patreon and also the last YouTube video’s…
Back with A Vengeance!
Dear Insane Children, Rarrrr! We’re back! And with a fantastic new illustration from Joey. If you recall from a previous post, Joey was given some feedback on how to improve the Encounter with The Duchess Scene… and this is what she came up with. Wooo faceless horror! While the Art Team has been cranking out…
Stuck in Time; Like Snails in the Rain
Dear Insane Children, Last weekend, I went into the city with Lucky and Yan to meet friends for lunch. Some of the other kids at the get-together were sick with a cold; so Lucky and Yan got sick immediately. My immune system fought valiantly for a few days… and then I got sick. Bummer… since…