Category: Patreon

  • Live Stream – Going Live SOON!

    Dear Insane Children,  We are having a live stream today at 7PM PDT (10AM Hong Kong Time).  Join us on my Twitch Channel:  If you miss it live, you can watch the recording over on YouTube:  We have LOTS to discuss today including the latest art and design on Alice: Asylum. For example,…

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Bunny

    Dear Insane Children,  Everyone, say “Hello!” to “OCD Bunny” – inspired by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. This design continues in the tradition of our Plushie Dreadfuls based on themes related to mental health. Many of you asked for an OCD Bunny as a follow-up to Anxiety Rabbit… so here’s where we start the creative…

  • The Next Patreon Goal?

    Dear Insane Children, Font Lord here!I hope you’re all doing well? With it now being half way through the year, we have been thinking about what could be the next big ‘thing’ we manufacture for all our lovely Patrons. Of course you may all be familiar with what we have done previously such as the…

  • Memory Clots

    Dear Insane Children,  An interesting series of ideas were floated by Omri over on our Monday production board. I thought I would share those with you here…  Omri says:  OK i know we already closed this task but i did wanted to add 2 images that can be presented like speedpaints- i think this can…

  • Bumby Brand Wheel Grease

    Dear Insane Children,  Wheels on your train squeaking, creaking, and making noise?  Why not try “Bumby Brand” Wheel Grease?  Guaranteed to work on even the most stubborn squeaks.  Throw a bit of Bumby under your train today.  And enjoy the sweet silence of squeak-free wheels.  Choo- Choo!  Excellent illustration from Adam (main image above) depicting…

  • Scruffy Bumps – The Theme Song, The Legend

    Dear Insane Children,  One of the side projects we’re working on that I’m really excited about is “Scruffy Bumps” the revenge-murder-cat. He fits into a category I’ve started calling “Educational Horror” and is designed to teach people (children) to be nice to animals… OR ELSE! You can watch us talk about Scruffy Bumps during the…