Exploration of the Unknown
Dear Insane Children, LOTS going on these days but I’ve neglected to provide you with an update! First, we had a Live Stream last week. Here’s a link to a recording of that over on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuwJxIQPO8s In that, we discussed the Alice TV deal, progress on the Design Bible for Asylum, and new work…
Early HUD and UI – Design Notes from Alex
Hi everyone,Alex here. I am the Design Lead amongst other roles for the Alice: Asylum pre-production project. My work on the Design Bible last year was focused on delivering the best possible narrative experience for Asylum. From the feedback American and I have received, we’ve achieved that to a suitable level to proceed. My work is now…
2022 Starts with a ROAR!
Dear Insane Children, Wow! We’re off to a great start. Roaring into the Year of the Tiger! Alice TV Series Deal First, for those who missed it: Radar Pictures has brought on board David Hayter to write and develop a TV series for “Alice” – you can read more about that via a Google Search.…
Dear Insane Children, First off – an apology for not sharing the news here first on Patreon. When the story came out, it was already nearly midnight here in Shanghai and we were snuggled on the bed with Lucky. But better late and all that… The Big News! As the image above proclaims – David…
Covid Breaks the Live Stream
Dear Insane Children, Usually, it’s the VPN that gives our Live Streams trouble… but this week it’s Covid! You can see in the local Shanghai news that there are several cases in the city – and that one case is directly north of where I live in Fengxian District. Looking at that map… Where you…
Reflections on Madness – and a NEW DRESS!
Dear Insane Children, The schedule suggested we might have a Live Stream this morning but that (obviously) did not happen. Lots going on in Shanghai at the moment – visits to the maternity hospital for regular checks of Baby #2, preparation for Chinese New Year, and lots of behind-the-scenes work at Mysterious. So we’ll try…