Category: General

  • Bigger Budgets != More Quality

    Read on today of an interview with Romuald Capron, COO at Arkane Studios of his views on budgets and team size as they relate to the creation of quality games. He says of smaller teams and outsourcing, “I think that’s a good way to maintain reasonable budgets, and I think a lot of companies…

  • Patience, Grasshoppers

    We’re going to be tweaking the theme here in a bit, and it may take a little while. Please refrain from fussing about broken links or weird spacing until we’re all done. Actually… refrain from doing it then, too. 😉

  • Ebox – A Console for China

    Lots of news these days about Lenovo’s announcement of the “Ebox” – a game console built in and for China (as well as the rest of Asia).

  • Alice as a cover girl

    GamePro is going all-out and featuring our very own Alice on the cover of their September 2010 issue.  According to the article on their website, Will Herring will be discussing the early previews of the game during his 14-page feature.  Will visited with us in China recently to get the scoop straight from the Horse’s…

  • Finally, the official announcement

    Today at the EA Showcase, American finally got to announce the name of the new game, Alice: Madness Returns, and also to show a spectacular 30-second teaser. EA has now opened up the official Alice sequel website, plus there’s a Twitter account, thewhiterabbit you can follow, and we also now have a Facebook page. How…

  • “Peasant Da Vincis” at Shanghai Rockbund

    On May 4, the exhibition titled “Peasant da Vincis” curated by the renowned American-Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang opened in Shanghai. “Peasant da Vincis,” featuring a combination of inventions by Chinese peasants and works by the artist that explore the subject of human creativity. It is also the inaugural show for Rockbund Art Museum, the first…