New Bad Day L.A. Trailer
A new trailer for BDLA was released today. Go check it out: New Bad Day L.A. Trailer – Xbox Enlight Interactive released today a new trailer for Bad Day L.A., a third-person action-adventure game that mixes a wild storyline with a unique art style to create a truly unforgettable experience.
Video Games = Drunken Marijuana Smoking
Health News Article | Reuters.co.uk NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – After playing a violent video game, young men are more likely to think it’s OK to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol, raising the possibility that exposure to violent media could negatively affect health-related behavior. Really. Are these people serious? It seems that “researchers” will go…
And then it was finished…
And so it is, after 10 weeks of hair pulling, floor pacing, and cat rubbing (what? it helps me think!), I am at once and finally finished with writing the first draft of the Oz script. Wrapped in a red ribbon it is sent flying through The Internet to land on the desks of anxious…
A.I. – no wait, just I.
I keep reading all these articles in various print and online game magazines where writers lament the continued lack of “realistic†AI in current and future game titles. It seems that next-gen consoles favor graphics pipeline over architecture that might help to improve AI. So the bitch-fest will continue. Regardless of hardware setup on this…
Lamma Move
Two weekends ago I moved house from Hong Kong Island to Lamma Island. Lamma is a quick 25 minute ferry ride from Central, HK. It is an… interesting place, to say the least. The island’s inhabitants are an eclectic mix of Cantonese locals, expat teachers from all corners of the globe, and semi-retired/retired Methuselahs seeking…
BDLA Interview
A new Bad Day LA interview is up on TotalVideoGames.com. Derek dela Fuente’s article begins… Over the last few years American McGee has started to establish himself as somewhat of a cult figure and a voice that many are keen to listen to. His latest creation, billed American McGee Presents: Bad Day L.A., is a…