A Call to Ban Things #2
I’ve asked this question before, I’ll ask it again: does anyone have proof of an instance where a video game was actually linked to a murder? For that matter, has a court of law ever found any form of entertainment responsible for a violent crime? If you’ve got proof, please send it. Meanwhile, in the…
China Art Factory
It used to be that a blockbuster game could be made by 9 guys working 12+ hours per day for a year. The early DOOM and Quake games were built this way. The budget for these games was in the low millions. Even a few years ago developers could build and market a title for…
A Call to Ban Things
While politicians like Sen. Clinton attack entertainment, mostly video games, for causing all of society’s ills it seems we’re allowing other, more insidious evils to run rampant throughout the world. It is my belief that these things are destroying the moral fabric of our world and must be banned from existence if we expect to…
6-6-6 Edition Bad Day LA Videos
In celebration of 6-6-6 day I thought I’d make mention of several new apocolyptic Bad Day LA videos which can be downloaded here. The one titled “Traffic” shows the cataclysmic opening scene from the game. “Subway” and “Hospital” are also pre-rendered cinematics from later in the game. These videos serve to tie together the action…
Islamists using video games – Part 2
So it turns out that last week’s news report on Islamists using US video games to recruit and train new terrorists was complete bunk. The supposed recruiting tool was in fact a video made by a US game player using existing voice over from the movie “Team America – World Police”, among other things. The…
Islamists using US video games…
No. Really. At this very moment, terrorists all over the world, are modifying video games into murder training simulators, and conditioning themselves to attack you. Islamists using US video games in youth appeal SAIC executive Eric Michael said researchers suspect Islamic militants are using video games to train recruits and condition youth to attack U.S.-led…