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Alice’s movements will be controlled with a Mario-3D like control system. The analog stick will control movement while buttons are used for jumping and combat.

Alice’s movement through the world and interaction with characters is intended to be as fluid and intuitive as possible.

The Real World

In London Alice’s movements show the struggles and limitations of a young woman trying to find out the truth. We see her stumble at times when she tries to find her balance. Alice’s moves are limited to physically realistic options like walking, running, jumping, etc.
Depending on the scene Alice’s movement and animations will change. However this will not affect player input.
For example during a short time frame after Alice is pulled out of the Thames she’ll shiver while she walks from being cold.


By contrast in Wonderland Alice is in her element – her only limitations being with her imagination and her fears.
She’s able to glide, jump, and land in a fantastically reasonable fashion.
Several critical gated abilities will be in Wonderland which will allow Alice to overcome obstacles in a unique fashion: growing big, taking her head off to roll it like a ball, and deep water swimming.

    • Alice will have a range of basic movement speeds (walk to run) that correspond to the analog range on the Left Analog Stick.

    • Pressing "X" triggers a jump, the longer "X" is held, the higher the jump will be- up to the limit set for maximum jump height.
    • While jumping, the player will retain a limited degree of air control. In midair, momentum and trajectory can be adjusted with directional input via the Left Stick.
    • Initial aerial momentum of jump is determined by player movement speed at time of jump. The faster the player is moving the more initial forward momentum the jump will have.
    • Alice has two distinct movement speeds which will affect jump momentum: walking and running. When standing still, jumping will launch Alice directly upward.
    • When landing from a jump, Alice will immediately continue moving at the rate determined by player input without delay.

    • A double jump is used to extend the height and distance of a regular jump by performing a second jump in midair.
    • At any point between the launch and peak of the jump, the player can press "X" a second time to perform a double jump.
    • The second jump will have a different animation, but otherwise follows the same constraints as a normal jump, and can still be affected by player air control.

    • Instead of the player being able to hold down the “X” button to maintain float until they have touched the ground there will be a deflation cycle over time.
    • The player must press and hold the “X” button again in order to begin the cycle again.
    • Each time the cycle repeats it becomes shorter so if the player mashes prematurely they’ll reduce the maximum achievable float distance.
    • Floating over a distance would be like a series of smaller curves within a continually declining float arc.
    • In order to maintain current level structure the maximum distance achievable should not exceed the current arc.
    • If the player enters the steam vent volume then the float cycle will reset itself.
      • Controls
        • In order to initiate float the player will press and hold the “X” button after the first initial jump.
        • To maintain float for a longer distance they will simply press and hold the “X” button at the correct intervals.
        • As it does now letting go of the “X” button will immediately cause Alice to fall at her normal falling rate.
      • Visuals
        • During each cycle of the float an animation, sound and particle will play.
        • Particles and sound should help give an indication to the player as to when they should start their next float cycle.
