Alice Hi-Res 3D Model (MUST SEE)

Dear Insane Children, 

The first phase of work on a 3D model for Alice is finished! Roman produced this turntable video of Alice’s face and A-pose (body) along with still images of the same. The level of detail he’s achieved is excellent. I am really impressed with his skill, speed, and quality. Great work! 

All of this is based on the initial concept images we shared with you here on Patreon and ran through our Crowd Design Process

Very interesting to see these 2D concept images transformed into the 3D space!

What do you think?

The next delivery will be of Alice in the Ash Dress. Look forward to seeing that! 

And once that’s done, we’ll insert the model into an environment. Exciting!

As usual, I’ll reserve my comments and feedback for a later date. 

Right now, I want to hear what YOU think! Drop your feedback and questions into the COMMENTS. We’ll do a full review of this content and read your comments during the Live Stream next week. 

Yay! Progress!

And, hey, THANK YOU. The Insane Children (that’s YOU) are making this work possible. Without your trust, feedback, and support, none of this would exist!

From Shanghai with Wow,


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