Dear Insane Children
Font Lord here again with the results of both the Patreon and Public surveys about what pins are most desirable.
Honestly, I felt a little silly making 2 pics about this due to how similar they are, but hey ho, here we go…
The approval rating written next to each one shown as a percentage.
The one you most want to kill highlighted in red.
The top 3 you most like to see as the special pin marked in green.
There you go.
It seems that Patrons seem to want ‘coat of arms’ style pins more than the general populace. Maybe because you’re all part of our awesome gang/secret society? 🙂
Now I guess pretty soon, we’ll make the final decision on what are the ‘standard 4’ and which is the special one and we can move forwards with more production.
Speaking of which, we have a little news from the factory that some of our designs might be a little on the complex side of things for the size we requested, so we’re now in contact with them asking more questions about size and complexity. But how do you feel about that?
What should be the ‘height’ of enamel pins in your opinion?
Please let us know in millimeters.
– Cheers