FREE “Madness Returns” Design Materials

Dear Insane Children, 

I’ve just posted the Discord Crowd Design Session from last week over on YouTube. If you missed the live event you can listen/watch what we got up to via THIS LINK

This stream captured a lot of interesting discussions and generated some great thinking.

We’ll host another Crowd Design Session via Discord tomorrow at the usual time. 

Want to join us? You’ll need Discord Access! That’s granted to every Insane Child who has pledged $5 (or more) for a month (or more). To maintain your Discord access you need to maintain your pledge. To learn more about Discord click on THIS LINK

Design Wiki

All of this effort is driving the creation of design, art, and narrative for Alice: Asylum. You can find a lot of the output over on the Alice: Asylum Design Wiki.

All that content will eventually form the Design Bible we use to drive the development of a new game. 

Material like this was also created during pre-production on Alice: Madness Returns. 

Speaking of… here’s a big chunk of that material so you have some idea what we’re building towards for Asylum…

 Madness Returns Design Freebies!

Yay, FREE STUFF! Here are two .zip files containing various design materials you might find interesting and fun to look at. contains VO Scripts, Design Walkthroughs, and Art/Layout Documents from Chapters 1-6 from Alice: Madness Returns.
CLICK HERE to download contains Design Walkthroughs, Visual Effects Designs, Maps, and more from the Alice: Madness Returns “Vertical Slice” production phase.
CLICK HERE to download 

I hope you enjoy this peak behind the scenes of Alice: Madness Returns. 

Note: There are broken links contained in these files – pointers to network drives which no longer exist. Please don’t write to report those or ask for the content to which they previously pointed. These files are offered as-is with no further support or explanation. 

See you all tomorrow for the Crowd Design Session!

From Shanghai with Headless Rabbits,


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