IMPORTANT – Chaos Coin – Mailing Update

Dear Insane Children, 

UPDATE: 9 OUT OF 10 of you who’ve written to say your name isn’t on the list… Your name IS on the list. Please, don’t just “scroll search” on your mobile phone. Wait until you can view the list from a desktop/laptop PC and a web browser (ideally, Chrome). Then hit CTRL-F to do a proper search. Thanks!

If you’re expecting a Patron Reward Chaos Coin mailed to you and have questions… Please read this update CAREFULLY. Read it twice

We’ve submitted a list of 2095 Qualified Patrons to our shipping partner in Shenzhen. Patron Reward Chaos Coins will start shipping next week (September 24th, 2018) and all shipments should be fulfilled within 5 days.

I’ve posted A LIST OF QUALIFIED PATRONS to Google Docs. The information there is based on the shipping name and address you provided here on Patreon and is in this format: 

Last Name, First Initial, Country

Search the list for the name you provided us here on Patreon.

Use CTRL-F to search the list. If you message us to say you’re not in the list and we find you ARE in the list then we’re going to send Lulu to chew your face off (in the cutest way possible).  

If you find a match for yourself then there’s a 99.9% chance a Chaos Coin is on its way to you. There are a few duplicates – those represent multiple Patrons.
Remember to search by your shipping address name, not Patreon username.

If you don’t find your name then PM us, here’s how: How-to PM us

A couple of important points regarding these shipments: 

  • PM us if you want your Name & Country info removed for privacy.
  • Tracking links are assigned to each package.
  • DO NOT write asking for a tracking link (not yet).
  • Delivery time is usually ~14 days to most places in the world.

If your delivery hasn’t arrived by October 19th, 2018 then PM us and we’ll send you a tracking link and work with you to find your package.

Don’t stress! We have lots of experience with shipping tons of stuff around the world. 99% of stuff gets delivered on-time and without issue. For the 1% who run into trouble, we’ll help sort you out! We have tons of time and lots of energy to throw at any potential problems.


If you’ve not yet received the Survey Monkey email invite for your Chaos Coin info, don’t worry! 

  • You have 2+ years to fill in this info. 
  • You can update your info at any time in the future using the link in the survey (until game release).
  • A reminder email will be sent out next week (September 25th) for those who are still not able to find their survey email.
  • The survey DOES NOT impact the delivery of the physical coin.
  • Check your Spam, Promotion, and other folders – is the send-from address.

If, several days after September 25th, you still can’t find the survey link email then PM us. Again, here’s the how-to on PM’ing us. 


You got it: PM US! It’s a lot easier for us to look at your account and sort you out via the Patreon Messaging System. 


All this Chaos is actually really amazing! We’re doing impressive things by way of Patreon, crowd-design, content production, and reward delivery. You’re an impressive bunch, even if you’re all insane. 

From Shanghai with PM US,

-American (and Font Lord)

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