Post Patreon FAQ V2
Dear Insane Children, FontLord here again with some more info and some more answers. The $1 Hibernation Tier is now active.If you are interested in still accessing the Discord and/or sending messages to this Patreon page, please move over to this tier.This will be the one and only tier in the not too distant future.…
So what’s next? And the Answers to your questions..
Hi Everyone, FontLord here.Just wanted to also give a huge amount of love and hugs to everyone that joined us on this journey. Not the result we wanted but boy did we have fun, made some great friends, saw some amazing art and nailed down one hell of a story
But some of…
End of the Adventure
Dear Insane Children, Over the past few years, your support has made possible a constant stream of creative output by a team of artists, writers, designers, modelers, and producers. That output resulted in the “Alice: Asylum” Design Bible – a 414pg PDF containing the complete vision for a 3rd Chapter in Alice’s video game adventures.…