Live Stream Time!

Dear Insane Children, 

IT’S BACK! We’re going to do a LIVE STREAM! YAyayayayyaya!

It’s been forever! Shanghai went into a Covid lockdown for 2 months. And then we’ve done a wait-and-see for a few weeks to make sure another lockdown doesn’t hit us… but it’s looking good. 

We’re living in a New Normal where our ability to move around the city is linked to showing our QR-Code Test Results on a phone app. But you do the tests and you show your code and… good times. 

Maybe we’ll talk about this a bit during the stream. 

But mainly we’ll catch up on all the progress made by the Alice: Asylum pre-production team during the past few months. And it’s a TON of progress. Wow.

Not even sure how we’re going to do this… maybe we’ll just focus on the Design Bible – a new version (Work In Progress) was released yesterday. Going through all 110 pages of that… well, that would keep us busy!

Anyway, time and place… the usual settings: 

That’s 7PM on Wednesday if you’re in the US (West Coast Time). 

10AM for us on Thursday here in Shanghai. 

And we’ll stream on Twitch:

And we’ll try to back-up stream on YouTube:

(But no promises about YouTube because it often causes us trouble). 

There will be PRIZES! And we’ll read/answer your comments. 

Got COMMENTS and QUESTIONS? Leave them below!

Wooo… I feel nervous and scared! It’s been so long since the last time we did this. Hell, we had a new baby since the last time we streamed! (Not “we” as in American + Martin, sheesh). 

Hope to see you during the Stream!

With Nerves from Shanghai, 


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