Alice: Asylum Narrative Outline Version 2

Dear Insane Children, 

It’s here! The second revision of the Narrative Outline for Alice: Asylum

THANK YOU, to our Insane Children for making possible all the art, writing, design, and production that went into making this document possible. This is “Alice: Asylum” in script format – the document that will drive the production of the Design Bible

Alex will start work on the Design Bible NOW. And we expect he’ll deliver a semi-final draft around April of 2022. Lots of work going into that document… like a graphic novel play-through of the entire game. 

So, if you don’t mind MASSIVE SPOILERS, then grab the Narrative Outline PDF (link below), and join Alice on her latest adventure. 

Let us know in the comments below what you think – but keep in general. Please, do not post spoilers (elements of the story or design that would ruin any surprises for people who choose not to read this document). 

And please join me in expressing A HUGE *job well-done* to Alex. He’s done a tremendous amount of work in organizing, writing, and presenting everything you see here. Thanks, Alex. You’re full bottle, mate. 

From Shanghai with Outlines, 


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