Live Stream – YES!

Dear Insane Children, 

There WILL BE a Live Stream this week at the usual time (plus/minus some sort of daylight savings nonsense for those of you living where that’s a thing). 

Note that for those of you in Freedom Land – the start time is 6PM PST. 

We’ll do the usual – review new art, talk about Biz Dev stuff, and give away prizes. 

I did just finish a final pass on the Narrative with Alex… and he’s going to start work on prepping the Narrative Overview (Version 2!) for release here on Patreon… but I do not think that work will be done in time for the Live Stream. Still… we might talk a bit about what work was done. 

Got questions, feedback, or other things you’d like discussed on the stream? Let us know in the comments below!

Today’s illustration is from Joey… see that sneak Bumby hiding under the stairs?

From Shanghai with Love, 


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