Dear Insane Children,
Been a bit quiet around here, huh? A full week since the last post! Well, there’s been quite a bit going on.
First, yes, still lots of great art being produced by our Alice: Asylum pre-production team.
Omri sent over a really cool (and massively tall) image of the Memory Mines. It’s a sort of Rorschach test… do you see the bound-up lady in there? ?Or a statue on a pedestal? ?
Omri also turned in a colored version of the Carpenter update…
And the team is just starting to sink their teeth (pens) into all those new art tasks we shared a couple of posts back. Expect a lot of great new art to start flowing soon.
But beyond all the great art…
This week will mark the starting point of a series of high-level pitch meetings involving our Hollywood partners (Radar) and our Financial Advisor (Marc) with some very big investment banks and funds. We’ve put together a great-looking pitch – one that includes plans for TV, Film, Games, and Merch. Landing a deal here could accelerate the work we’re doing on projects like Alice, Oz, and more. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!
And as previously mentioned, we signed a lease on an official warehouse space for Mysterious… Here’s Lucky overseeing an inspection of the freshly painted floors…
This expansion means our merch team (Yan, Jennifer, and two new employees) can shift their focus more towards design. Since starting Mysterious in 2015, we’ve handled a large amount of the packing/shipping from within our own home. This new space means we can move that work outside (5 minutes away by car). And it means less time spent by myself, Grandma, and Yan on the actual packing/shipping stuff. That makes more room for design work but also…
We have another Insane Child on the way! Due date is sometime in May/June of 2022. We’d love it if Lucky got a little sister… but I’m actually OK if we get another boy… hehe.
Until further notice, this child is codename “Lili” – which is what we called Lucky until he popped out into the world. Let’s see if it sticks this time!
Beyond that… taxes, visa renewals, the usual shipping (and then some – super busy these days!), Grandma’s brother is ill (leaving just me and Yan to watch the boy), oh, and… I am scheduled to go camping in … 2 hours!
As always, it’s great having you along for the ride. I’m expecting a lot more great news and growth in the coming months. And I really appreciate your support and encouragement.
Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
From Shanghai with Excitement,