Prepare for Smush and Grind

Dear Insane Children, 

Remember in Alice: Madness Returns when Alice goes to confront March Hare and Dormouse in Hatter’s domain and they pop up driving a giant mech robot? You can watch a clip from the game over on YouTube

Well… they’re back. And so is the mech robot!

It all takes place inside the Memory Mines… 

And Norm is working on a series of images to illustrate the encounter and eventual boss battle. 

He sent over a really fantastic sketch this morning… 

Let us know in the comments below what you think of this boss battle. Are you happy to see these two make a return to finish what was started in Madness Returns? 

Now… prepare to have your hopes and dreams smushed (a little)… There will be NO live stream this week. Sorry! But I have to drive Yan and her mom back down the the old hometown for some personal business. 

We’ll try to reschedule for the week following… 

In the meantime, dry your eyes! Because there’s something awesome coming later this week… 

** The Release of the Full Alice: Asylum Narrative Document **

That’s right! It’s in the final stages of prep for presentation to you. Alex is doing a last pass to format and prep it as a PDF that we can share here on Patreon. And I think he’ll be finished before the end of this week. So… get ready! 

It’s a beast… 88 pages when I checked this morning. But I think by the time Alex has reformatted it and added more images… it’s going to be 100+ pages. 

And we’ll be asking you to read it, read it again, and then provide your comments and feedback. Crowd Design! Woo!

(Alice leaving Bill The Lizard after kicking his butt and taking The Brain – from Adam)

Look… even Alice is smiling! 

Can’t wait to hear your feedback! 

From Shanghai with Brains, 


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