Spectral Hands are Coming TO GET YOU!

Dear Insane Children, 

Remember the Dollmaker’s scary puppet hands from Madness Returns? 


Well, sorta. Check out the spectral hands in this latest illustration from Adam. They are inspired by Bumby’s Puppetmaster Hands. And, wow, are they awesome! 

Joey also used them in this image… 

Of his image, Adam says… 

Here is the painted update, I chose to show Alice facing the valves to add more suspense as if the hands were sneaking up to her.

?Besides the valves and pipes, there is also a gate that will close and force Alice to go up the stairs on the right, where I made a subtle suggestion of the reddish light coming from the flames.

?Also, I’ve placed some wooden platforms and objects to suggest the gameplay aspect of platforming in this level.

?Generally, I’ve mixed the feeling of a Victorian sewer made of bricks and metal with wood and porcelain coming from the original Dollhouse environment from Alice Madness Returns.

?Apparently, the spectral hands (inspired by Bumby’s hands) were supposed to be made out of water, so I fixed that, though Omri asked that I also upload an older version where I made the hands out of flesh, so here they are.

Let Adam know in the comments below which version of the hands you prefer – fleshy or boney?

And did I share this already? 

Excellent illustration from Omri of The Dollhouse area in Umbraland. Love it! 

SO much great art flowing from our team these days. 

And Alex has just finished his house move and is 100% back on the narrative work we’ve been doing for the past couple of months. Great progress there. Hoping to share some updates soon. 

I’ve successfully “rescued” my family from death-by-boredom in Yan’s hometown and am back at my desk in Shanghai. This week is China Joy here in Shanghai and we’ve got some meetings lined up with REDACTED and some other major Chinese Game Publishers. Plus our Financial Advisor is making great progress on his work bringing together Hollywood, investors, publishers, and others to make Mysterious Studios a reality. Again, hoping to share some updates on all that soon! 

OH! And the prototype for OCD Rabbit Arrived. I posted this up over on my Instagram with some additional photos. Join the Crowd Design Discussion over there (or leave comments below here). 

We’ll be back with a Live Stream next week where can we catch up on all the amazing progress being made! 

From Shanghai with Crinkly Brain, 


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