Dear Insane Children,
Joey’s delivered an excellent illustration depicting Alice engaged in a battle-for-life game of Croquet Forever. As described in the scene text for this game, it doesn’t really matter if you win or lose, live or die, because this game just goes on forever and ever.
Forever and ever… kinda what it feels like with all the organizing and unpacking we’re doing here after the move. But we’re down to the last pile of boxes… and I built a temporary storage place for them so I could clear out the Live Stream Room for its next stream.
Did someone say LIVE STREAM?!?!?! Why, YES! Now that I can actually see the walls of the new Live Stream Room, I will start the process of getting everything ready for our next Live Stream. Martin says he’s OK to make the perilous journey to the far edge of Shanghai on Thursday, February 25th. That’s Wednesday for those of you in the US.
We’ll have tons of new art, design, and BD updates at that time. Be sure to mark your calendar!
In the meantime, be sure to let us know in the comments what you think of Joey’s latest!
For my part… I was expecting something a little more… Dante’s Inferno as a setting. Maybe just a bit more “battlefield” in tone and setting. But maybe this more colorful setting can work? What do you think?
Speaking of battlefields…
Don’t recall if I previously shared any of the new variations on this scene in which Alice runs and fights her way to the Queen’s Castle through an ongoing battle between Card Guards and Chess Pieces. There are about 1000 different renderings and alterations on this image… but I think (?) this was the latest variation from Adam. Norm and Omri are also working on it… to bring more “fight” to the scene.
All of these are illustrations of the Asylum narrative – the story guiding the art and design going into the Design Bible.
And regarding the Design Bible… Alex recently gave me a sneak peek at the work he’s doing on that… and, WOW. It’s looking really amazing. Part graphic novel, part art book, and part design document… If it finishes like it’s started… I think even non-fans of the Alice universe will be engaged and entertained by it. We’ll be sharing that with the Insane Children soon (within a month or so).
Exciting times!
From Shanghai with a Live Stream Room to Set Up,