Tattoos on a Caterpillar
Dear Insane Children, Whew, somehow the recent days really got away from me… and it seems I’ve not posted anything since last Thursday-ish when we did our Twitch Livestream. There was a LOT of information covered in that stream so if you missed it, be sure to check out the recording over on YouTube. You…
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The Fuzzy Oracle
Dear Insane Children, Alright! We are back from the National Holiday here in China! Lots of new art, story, and business development stuff going on. Tons to share with you. We’ll host a Live Stream on Twitch later this week over on my Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/americanmcgee Hit that link and click Subscribe in order to…
2021: Year of the Snail.
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I’m Not Dead, I Feel Fine, I Feel Happy!
Dear Insane Children, We’re in the final days of the 2nd Largest National Holiday in China with everyone scheduled to return to work on Saturday, 10th of October. In case you’re wondering about the title to this post, it’s in reference to THIS scene from Monty Python. Anyway, despite the holiday, I and the team…
The Map to Oz Adventures
Dear Insane Children, We’ve started the 2nd Largest Chinese National Holiday here in Shanghai but I wanted to share a quick update. Attached to this post is a PDF that outlines our (work in progress) thoughts for Oz Adventures. The main image (above) is from Adam and Omri and illustrates a pair of adventurers making…