The Lucky 5 (Sept)

Dear Insane Children

Font Lord here with your favorite time again.
The time when Google’s RNG feature picks 5 people from our Patreon (and the YouTube comments from the last video to keep things above board and legal) to win some stuff.

Let’s see…
Ok, we’ll go Old Skool and this month’s prize can be an Omega Necklace   🙂

Ohhhhhh mighty Gods of RNG, bestow upon our Insane Children all thy luck, and ROLL IT !!!

The winners are

* Madison St. Martin
* Alexandra Zhao
* Heather Guill
* Amanda Phillips
* Jonathan A Ayala

Congratulations to all of you and look forwards to your Omega Necklace in the post in several weeks.  Woot!

You all know what comes next.
There can be no end to a Lucky 5 post without a LULU.

– Cheers

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