Alice Model Update

Dear Insane Children, 

Last night, Roman sent over an updated Alice model. And this morning, I’ve uploaded a video of it to YouTube. Yay! Click on THIS LINK to head over and check out the latest turn-around of the 3D model. 

One thing I feel a little uncertain about… whether or not Roman’s made any changes to the facial structure. I loaded up New and Old in Photoshop and did an A/B flip back and forth… and maybe(?) the chin’s been adjusted a fraction? My brain tells me “no” … but the hair has certainly changed and that’s made a huge difference in the way the face looks. 

Since it’s only 8AM here in Shanghai and Roman isn’t yet replying to my messages… I’ll just post this as-is and we’ll get more details from him later. 

So… the main thing here is hair, dress, and effects. And let’s assume there are some more changes on the way. 

As usual.. Crowd Design Time! Let us hear your feedback and thoughts in the comments below.

From Shanghai With Dress on Fire (it’s hotttttt outside), 


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