Twisted Perspectives

Dear Insane Children, 

Thought I’d share with you an illustration from Joey that she says is final… but I think might still use a few adjustments. What do you think?

She sent along a series of sketches illustrating the origin of the visuals leading to the final image (above). 

I responded to all this by asking if she might consider including a couple more “creepy” elements hiding in the scene. Being a huge fan of those “how many things can you find wrong with this picture” challenges… this illustration feels like the perfect playground for a similar exploration. 

In addition, I suggested that she rotate the image like so… 

Doing so makes it feel even more uncomfortable and surreal for Alice… at least I think it does.

(To be clear: Rotating is the first step – to complete this, Joey would also need to fill out the white space with a continuation of the illustration). 

What do you think? 

Let us know in the Comments below. I’ll pass your notes along to Joey and we can discuss the topic on this week’s Live Stream (Wednesday at the usual PDT time of 7PM). 

From Shanghai with Twisted Tea, 


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