Ring (Masters) and Necklaces.

Dear Insane Children

Font Lord here again, coming to you direct from Font Manor, with a few little bits and bobs of housekeeping ‘n stuff you might be interested in knowing.

Firstly, as you can see with the large image atop this post, we wanted to remind you of next month’s print, called The Ringmasters, by Omri Koresh.
(So that’s for people charged in July)
Finally rounding off the triptych of Circus Posters.
Look… LOOK at how awesome they all are lined up in a row…

*sends virtual fist bump to Omri*

Secondly, for those of you waiting on the survey for the Chaos Necklace choice for being charged at the $75 level this month, fret not, your surveys are coming.
I have decided to switch over from the old system of doing this (via Survey Monkey) to a new and infinitely better system of doing this (via Backerkit).
Survey Monkey was ok ‘back in the day’ but is really no longer fit for purpose.
So anyway, I have set up the new system and have sent out a few mails today to smoke test that it all works and nothing terrible will happen, then the rest of you will get emails Thurs/Fri.
Hurrah !!

Thirdly, I guess I’ll mention this again as some of you didn’t see the last shipping update post I wrote.
In a nutshell, shipping is still kinda broken in the world.
If you have received a tracking ID and you check it, likely on  http://stone3pl.com/  or  https://t.17track.net/  and you see there hasn’t been an update since early to mid-May or something, this is unfortunately ‘normal behavior’ currently.
Please add 3-6 weeks from whatever you see as the last date on your tracking before expecting to see the tracking update or get a delivery   🙁
*shakes fist at COVID*

Fourthly… LULU !!!

Ok, that’ll do it from me.
Stay safe out there !!

– Cheers

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