Hi there
Font Lord here again with just a little update on what’s currently going on in this neck of the woods for those who don’t know 🙂
As the main image up there at the top suggests, we are in the final 4 or so days for the Enamel Pin goal.
And as you may know from previous posts, you now no longer have to change your tier if you want to get these. We have worked with Backerkit to make this choice happen for everyone who’s a Patron this month.
Read more about that HERE, but basically, those above $35 will automatically get the pins, and those below $35 can make up the difference on Backerkit in April.
The only reason you might want to change your tier is if you want to get some of the benefits of being at a higher tier, such as getting the print of the month which is…
This is certainly in my top 3 prints.
And speaking of prints.
The reason you might not have read so much from American recently is that he’s currently up to his eyeballs in signing and shipping out backlog of about 2 months of prints. Yikes !
Let’s all take a moment of silence to pray for his wrist.
We hope to get American back up and running and out from under a mountain of shipping tubes in the coming days, so look out for some more posts from him here in the not too distant future talking about how we’re moving forwards and what’s going on while the world is in its current nonsense state.
And just quickly if you didn’t know, we did actually put a couple of those Letterman jackets into the Mysterious shop from all your feedback in the previous poll post I made.
Thanks for taking the time to vote and such.
Always great to know we’re on the right track with our Inmates 🙂
So that’ll just about do it from me.
Stay safe out there, wash your hands regularly and don’t lick stranger’s faces.
– Cheers