Month: November 2019

  • Boss Review – Final Judgment?

    Dear Insane Children,  Alex sent along an exploration of a Boss Fight based on The Queen + Judgment. I thought you all might like a peek into the creative process back-and-forth and so share our exchange here… Of this he writes:  A while ago I was asked to look into exploring game mechanics and attack…

  • Marvelous Missteps

    Dear Insane Children,  One of the themes I discussed while at the recent Patreon Assembly in Los Angeles was the idea of Missteps as Content. And how this is a radical notion in a world of glitzy product launches, review embargos, and Rotten Tomato’s faked freshness.  My premise is one you’ve heard before: Embrace your…

  • Puer Insaniam

    Dear Insane Children,  It’s 3AM in Los Angeles but I’m awake because my brain still thinks I’m in Shanghai where it’s 7PM… so I’m up waiting for the sun to rise so I can head to LAX and catch a flight back to Shanghai.  Patreon Assembly was a lot of fun. I met tons of…