Teapots and Three Pins

Dear Insane Children, 

As our art/design team turn their attention to Hatter’s Domain we’ll start to explore elements of the story, visuals, and design you’ll find there. 

Joey sends over an illustration of Hatter’s Domain *before* the explosion which blew it to bits. This provides a foundation for the area around his domain and his workshop – a mixture of Classic English Countryside with a strong dose of Hieronymus Bosch

Also on the list of areas to explore in Hatter’s Domain: The interior of Hatter’s laboratory and observatory, a giant tea table, interior of Hatter’s cottage/home, the interior of Hatter’s workshop, and some of the surrounding “countryside” – all blown to bits, of course. 

Look forward to seeing lots of beautiful new art! 

Enamel Pins – Progress and Possibilities

Jen continues her efforts on pin designs…

We’ve generated a selection of designs based on The Jabberwock. Jen initially submitted Design ‘C’ and I suggested that we add the alchemy symbol for Fire (upright triangle). We also played around with spreading the triangle around the edge to create a hint of a Chaos symbol. And there’s one which just plops a Chaos symbol right into the background… 

Which do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below! (I quite like D and E). 

She also sent over The Carpenter from AMR: 

This started with the design you see on the left. I suggested we take the ship’s wheel out of his ear. And then thought it would be nice to have the V turned into the alchemy symbol for water (upside-down triangle) which resulted in the final image you see on the right. 

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! 

And last but not least… 

Some of you may remember this Mock Turtle design from our previous exploration of pin/patch designs. 

I still think he’s cute but I don’t know that he fits in with the overall dark/magic theme we’re building towards with this set. 

What do you think? Tu Turtle or Not Tu Turtle? 

Still one more big post I’m working on for this week. It’s making my brain hurt – in a good way – so I don’t know if I can have it done before the weekend… but I am trying!

From Shanghai with Turtles,


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