Looking in the Shadows

Dear Insane Children, 

I have several different Patreon updates drafted – one talking about the Enamel Pins, one talking about PTSD and Alchemy, and another one talking about Hatter’s Domain… trying to get them done! But life keeps throwing distractions at me. For example, a huge amount of time today was spent on printing, signing, chopping, scanning, and mailing all the documents necessary for renewing China visas for myself and Martin. Woo, paperwork. Kill me now! 

Anyway, THIS IMAGE can’t wait! 

You need a new desktop, phone screen, EVERYTHING image. AND THIS IS IT!

Behold… “BLADE FAce… oh, wait… Omri actually calls this one… 

“Looking In The Shadows” 

The model is named Brittany Nelson and Omri’s used her for “Alice and Cheshire” plus “Wings of Steam” – and says she’s got “the perfect British face” even though she’s actually an American.”

So there you have it! An amazing new image you can plaster onto everything. 

And, yes, we’ll make this an Art Print for an upcoming month. 

Let Omri and Brittany hear your feedback in the comments below! 

From Shanghai with Not Enough Time,


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