The Anger Monster

Dear Insane Children, 

A parting shot from The Queen of Hearts as we leave her realm and move forward into the Mad Hatter’s Domain. 

Omri sends over the Throne Room illustration (main image above) which he says we should use as an Art Print. And so we’ll do that! This will be the Art Print for November… as in NOW. 

If you’re interested in this print and currently at the $75 Tier then, great, you’ll get this print next. Or if you’re at 3/$35 you can select this print when Font Lord sends out the surveys in December. 

Norm also added a bit of color to the Anger Monster he’s been working on… 

Woo boy. Don’t look forward to fighting THAT in-game! 

Speaking of Anger Monsters…

There will be NO LIVE STREAM this week. Sorry!

Behind the scenes here in Shanghai myself and Martin are in the process of canceling our old work visas and moving them to the newly formed legal entity for Mysterious in China. It’s been a somewhat frustrating, slightly scary, and very involved process… And there are some steps happening this week (mainly Thursday and Friday) which we cannot miss or mess up. So… 

We’ll push the Live Stream to next week! 

We did have an excellent Crowd Design Session over on Discord this week. But the Internet Gremlins made a mess of the recording process so it’s taking a bit longer for our mods to edit. 

Thank you, AsteriaVisual and Magus for your efforts in producing that video! We’ll post it to YouTube once it’s done. 

From Shanghai with Monsters, 


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