Dye on the Throne

Dear Insane Children, 

Fall officially arrived in Shanghai with “Qiu Feng” (autumn wind) which we felt strongly yesterday. It blew away the last remnants of summer’s warmth and put us on our way towards winter. Brrrr. 

I am not a fan of winter in Shanghai. It’s a cold damp affair with very little else to offer. Another reason why I’m thankful that the tropical shores of Thailand are only a few hours away. 

November to April are roughly the months of the Northwest Monsoon Season – during which cool dry air blows from the northwest (hence the name) over Thailand. This makes it an ideal time for sailing!

That’s why tonight I am heading to Thailand to begin prep work on “Chaos” my 36′ sailboat so she’s ready for the sailing season and for Pirate Jam 2020. During this time I’ll get her back into the water and start mapping out potential routes for our game developer pirates. Arrrg, matey! 

You can learn more about Pirate Jam HERE

Don’t Panic

I’m only away a few days and will still have Internet so that I can stay on top of the usual work stuff. And Font Lord is in Shanghai keeping an eye on support tickets, PMs and your other requests/needs. 

Our art team will continue their efforts on art and design for Anger/Queen’s Domain… 

Omri’s put final touches on the Queen’s Throne Room (main image above). He says he doesn’t know if this is art print worthy. What do you think? 

We’ve also seen some updates to the trains and stations for the Looking Glass Line. I like this more baroque look. And the Looking Glass sculpture on top of the train… well… 

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

These efforts are bringing us close to the end of this pass on the Queen’s Domain. When I get back we’ll start work on the next area – Bargaining! 

Mysterious Makeup

At that time we’ll also review the progress Yan is making on packaging and design for Mysterious Makeup. 

If you’d like to see the previous big update on her efforts you can check out the Livestream we did on YouTube HERE and HERE.

Your feedback on this work is really important – and we’ve got some great comments and questions from the community thus far. Keep it coming! 

Yan says that we should have some physical production samples to look at by early November. WOo! Progress! 

Font Lord Notes

Please note that there’s still a bit of a delay on sending out Chaos Necklaces and Art Prints from last month. Again, we had a bit of a slowdown because of the Chinese National Holiday and the arrival of Lucky

A lot of that slowdown has been with me (American) personally as I’ve struggled to balance all the work tasks and finding time to sign all those posters and cards. My apologies! 

On that note, all of the “Alice Come Back” art prints are now in various states of transit towards you. I signed and packed the last batch of those yesterday. But there are still 140 items (art prints) in the shipping system which I need to sign and pack – when I get back from this trip. 

Your patience and understanding are appreciated! 

Questions? Concerns? You can email us at support @ mysterious (dot) design


Lucky & Lulu!

Here’s a little Lulu toe-licking Lucky to brighten your day! Awwww!

Going to miss them both! 

From Shanghai with Trip Prep,


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