FAQ Series – Bosses in Alice: Asylum

Dear Insane Children, 

It might seem like we’re off taking a break but we’re actually still hard at work! FontLord was over at the Underground Lair today and we made some adjustments to our cameras, mics, and lighting. To test the new setup we also recorded a couple of FAQ videos… the first of which is presented here. 

I think we still need to crank up our output volume a bit. We’ll do that! 

Anyway, have a look, let us know if you like this format. And we’ll see you all again soon. 

PS: Yesterday Yan and I visited a giant makeup factory in Shanghai. She’s making plans for a line of cosmetic products aimed at Alice fans. We’ll share video from that adventure along with product ideas during next week’s live stream! 

From Shanghai with (still) Ffffff,


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