Month: July 2019

  • Down The Rabbit Hole (of BD)

    Dear Insane Children,  Last week I took multiple people + Lulu to the hospital (multiple times) (different hospitals) plus tried to stay on top of the usual business of updates, design work, streaming, etc. All of which meant a pretty insane week with not a lot of time left for all the things on my…

  • Crowd Design Session #14

    Dear Insane Children,  For those of you who missed it, here’s THE LINK to yesterday’s Crowd Design Session.  We had a great discussion around the general topic of the Circus Realm, Denial, The Nile, and more. Many of our Insane Children came up with really interesting, useful, and fun ideas which have a high likelihood…

  • Mysterious Labels

    Dear Insane Children,  A quick heads-up for all of you who receive Art Prints from us – either via the 3/$35 Tier, the $75 Tier, or when you order directly from Mysterious.  As you are aware, these prints are individually signed (by American), quality inspected by Lulu, hand-packed, and then shipped from Shanghai to Insane…

  • Certified Insane Around the World

    Dear Insane Children,  Insane Children around the world are receiving their Certified Insane Tags and sharing their madness online. A few Instagram posts are shared above. I’m glad to see everyone is happy with the results of this effort. Even more happy that we can celebrate our madness together! It’s such an honor and a…

  • Happiness in Contradiction

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